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Koprenska Trail – District MontanaCod 2182

Koprenska trail consists of several stages with varying degrees of difficulty. Located in Montana, northwestern Bulgaria. It is located 131 km from Sofia and 35 km from Montana. Starting at Kopilovtsi village and bring you to the area near Mount Kopren. The eco-trail runs along the three rivers that form two famous waterfall – Durshin and Water jump. The total length of eco-trail is 20km, which may take about five hours.

It is recommended to take a guide with you, because some parts of the route are quite difficult to pass. The traveler on the Koprenska route will feel the power of the nature and will be amazed by the its creations.
Other interesting sights that you can see in the area are Chiprovtzi (5km from the city Chiprovci) Klisurkiya (near Spancevţi, Montana) and Lopushanski monastery (near the village of Damyanitsa), the Ibish reserve and Chuprene Roman Kale Fortress.

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