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Wild DanubeCod 2445

A unique way to explore Danubius (old name of the Danube River), is strolling with a traditional raft. The rafts can be found in Tutrakan City (Turtucaia) between June 1st and September 30. The raft “Wild Danube” is built of rough logs, and in the past it had a shelter from natural materials, which served as a sun-blind in hot summer days and shelter for wildlife approaching.
In the early morning or at sunset the river is slowly carrying its waters and the fishing boats getting out or going home with the catch, reflect beautifully in the water. This is an ideal time for a meeting with the wildlife of the Danube. The raft is moving calmly with the flow. Thus you can get as close to the islands as possible, the grains of sand, flooded willows and old elm trees which nest and feed for several species of rare and endangered waterfowl. The raft is also suitable for fishing, tanning, cooking in an open kitchen, swimming in the river and photographing wildlife.
The attraction is only available during the summer for groups up to 10 people.

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