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Popnikolov House, ElenaCod 2576

Popnikolov’s house is one the most distinct houses in Elena. It was built in the first half of the 19th century around the year of 1830. The building has three stores, boards typical to the houses in Elena. n the first years after the liberation the technical service of the town was located here, that is why it is also known as “The Old Engineering House.” The house is a cultural monument of national importance.
The building consists in one ground floor and other two upper floors facing the two streets they are located on. On one side of the yard the house has two floors. The basement accommodates two floors and behind them there was an entrance to the cellar and another basement which could be on the street.
The house from the street is very impressive. The main feature is that each floor is slightly built over the other, forming a special type of construction. The upper floor has an unconventional architectural element – the bay-window. The bay-window is a typical element of that building in the Renaissance period.

The backyard is open. Upstairs there is a spacious veranda with a sofa corner.

On the small street of Popnikolov house there are also other houses with Renaissance architecture. Towards the old town there are most of the major attractions such as Daskalolivnitsata, Church of St. Nicholas, the Clock Tower and many others.

After the completion of the restoration in 1980, the house was given to the Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski” to be used as a functional, scientific educational center.

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