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“The Magic Circle” over Varbovo, VarbovoCod 2652

If you are looking for the unexplained mystical knowledge, the circle is a phenomenonwhich you need to see, personally. It is located on the limestone hill above the village of Varbovo. One half is in the forest, and the other half in an area with grass. Its contours are very accurate in the peripheral forest, described by the missing trees, in the tender grass of trees and bushes. Its shape is generally similar to the letter U and is a replica of one of the paintings from the Magura cave, which is the most important. he circle which is going to be reached in the “Gradiste”, which supposedly was a Roman fort, but you will notice that its purpose would have been different. The route starts from the front plate of the hill. Then are 30-40 minutes to climb. From “Gradishteto” will be another ten minutes to “the gate”. Here begins a half hour walk to the Circle. The route is a hard one, physically, but is completely surmount for less trained visitors.
One can visit the cave temple of Hecate located at the same height, about two kilometers west of Doha. A few years ago, French archaeologists have conducted excavations in it and found the old altar which was restored. Small ovens, triangular vaulted, typical for caves. Such vaults were just in the caves which in ancient times were used for sanctuaries of Hecate, the goddess of secret knowledge. Climbing to the cave is hard, physically, but quite possible for people of trained people. It can take from an hour and a half to three hours. The entire transition is four to six hours.

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