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The Ruins of the Church in Fundeni, FrunzăneștiCod 1282

The history of the locality Fundeni from the Romanian territories is connected to the existence of some great aristocrats.

In April 1733, equerry Mihai Cioranu built up his aristocrat enclosure on the border of the lake Fundeni. The border of the property of the equerry Cioranu was bordered at South with the property of the aristocrats Radu Dudescu, logothete and his son, the sword bearer Constantin Dudescu, other great aristocrats of Romanian pedigree, who built up even from 1732 the current Saint Andrew church from Frunzănești, which is today under reconstruction.

After Mihail Cioranu, his descendants commanded the property from Fundeni until 1840, when it became the property of N. Gherassy. The landlor Gherassy contracted at Paris debts and, not being able to pay them, he was forced to cede the property of the lawyer Dumitru Mavrodin. The property Frunzănești passed onto the property of the aristocrat N. Amira, who didn’t have inheritors and donated it to the village. The commune Fundeni resulted from the consolidation of the villages Fundeni and Frunzănești.

The abandoned church from Fundeni keeps in present only the remains from the initial wall, ruins of the church and the stone of a tomb. The funerary stone of the founder, as well as the family’s burial chamber, profaned and destroyed, are the only testimonies of the past.

In the immediate proximity of the church there is found the establishment of some locals which can tell many things about the place and about the church’s past. Composed from the ones heard, or from the ones read, their small histories are very interesting.

In the southern end of the locality, descending about a kilometer, there is situated the new church, which is also extremely beautiful. In this church the villagers are gathered at the services and at prayer, for forgiveness, blessing and caress. The church is brought forward on the list of local historical monuments. In the commune Fundeni, there service two churches. They have the titular saints of Saint John the Baptist and Saint Andrew.

At the end of the XIXth century, the commune had the name of Fundeni – Gherasi and was part of the hundred Dâmbovița of the county Ilfov. It had in its composition the villages Băduleasa, Dimache, Fundeni, Perișoru and Zoicaru, with a total population of 1432 inhabitants which lived in 300 houses. In the commune there is a church, a mixed school, a water mill and a botanical garden. At those times, on the current territory of the commune, there functioned in the same hundred also the commune Frunzinești which had in the villages Frunzinești, Lilieci, Pițigaia and Orasca 468 inhabitants who lived in 110 houses. And here there was a church, a mixed school and a water mill.

Until 1925, more villages were dissolved and agglomerated, therefore the Socec Annual from that year mentioned the union of the two communes under the name of Fundeni – Frunzănești, in the hundred Pantelimon of the same county, having 2720 inhabitants and being composed from the villages Frunzănești, Fundeni, Lilieci and Păroaia.

In 1950, the commune Fundeni – Frunzănești (named starting from a certain point only Fundeni) was transferred to the rayon Brănești and then (after 1952) the rayon Oltenița from the region Bucharest. In 1968, the commune also had in the composition the villages Fundeni, Frunzănești and Păroaia, among which the last two were then dissolved and agglomerated with the village Fundeni, resulting the commune with the current composition; it came back to the county Ilfov, re-founded. In 1981, a regional administrative reorganization led to the transfer of the commune at the county Călărași.

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