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Saint Nicholas Church, Dor Marunt ICod 1261

The parish church, with the titular saint of Hierarch Saint Nicholas, is situated on the North – West side of the village Dor Mărunt, being the oldest of the three churches from the village, known among the church-goers under the name the Old Church.

It has been built by the people from the commune in the year 1879, on the place of another wooden church, which, from unknown causes, burned. Around the years 1911 – 1912 it has been repaired and painted.

In time, following the earthquakes, the church suffered some more reparations at the interior, as well as at the exterior. In the year 1956, there have been executed consolidation works at the exterior, and at the interior the painting has been washed. In the hear 1975, the church has been electrified, and in the year 1978 there have been executed works in the interior of the church. In the year 2007, the church was under an advanced state of deterioration, at the interior, as well as at the exterior. Therefore, in the spring of this year there were started the capital reparations at the halidom; the foundation has been consolidated, the interior and exterior painting have been redone, the roof has been redone entirely, the carpentry – doors, windows – has been replaced and it has been built a larger porch. Also, the church has been enriched with new furniture and cult objects.

The church is built in a three apses plan, it has the length of 25 m, the width of 7 m – 11 m. in apses – and the height is of 5 m – 10 m in the dome. It doesn’t have a concrete foundation, only at the exterior of the wall, surrounding the halidom it has been fitted a concrete beltway and the hydro-isolation has been made at the foundation. The walls are made of brick and have the thickness of 60 cm and are supported at the exterior by 8 piers made of concrete. The porch is new, built from brick, it has a right ceiling and it is prepared for painting.

The narthex has a rectangular shape, with a semi-cylindrical covering system, without steel – lattice mast, and at it half there are two supporting piers. The nave is provided with a small octagonal dome, with four small windows in the superior part. The apses are covered with deep semi-calottes, each with a window in each one of them. The altar is semi-circular, without diaconal, but with a small anaphora. It is separated from the nave by a wooden altar screen.

The first painting of the church was executed in the year 1912, the painter not being known. At the inspections from the years 1972 and 1974, the archpriest from Călărași outlined the necessity of redoing the painting. In the fall of the year 2008, it has also been started the re-painting of the church, in a fresco technique, Neo-Byzantine style. The altar screen is new, sculpted in oak wood, with icons painted in the year 2007.

In the church’s backyard there is built a new church tower with the height of 10 m, in which it is installed a new bell, of 360 kg, and a wake home.

The congregation has a congregation group in the program “Christ revealed to the children” and “Choose the School”. It has a functional congregation library. It annually organizes pilgrimages to the monasteries from the country.


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