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The Church Saint Gheorghe, Dor Marunt IICod 1262

The construction of the church with the titular saint of Saint Gheorghe has been started in the year 1937 and it was finished in the year 1940, year in which it has been consecrated by his Eminence the Priest Gherontie, the Archbishop of Tomis. In the interior of the church, in the right side it is situated the plate of marble and the founders’ tombs.

The text of the SCULPTED INSCRIPTION from the entrance of the nave is the following: “There has been raised from the foundations this holly church with the titular saint of the Saint Gheorghe in the years 1935 – 1940 on the expense of the good Christians Marin and Rădița Pîntecan, with their son Gheorghe from Bucharest, on the land given from Gheorghe Ciucă and his wife Maria. The building up was made in the days of the reign of his Highness King Carol II and under the archiepiscopate His Eminence the Archbishop of Constanța Gherontie.”

On the 28th of June 1967, the priest Diaconu V. Nicolae, counsel at the Archiepiscopate of Bucharest, has inspected the Congregation Dor Mărunt II, supplied by the priest Sedlețchi Pavel from the Congregation Dor Mărunt I and has determined among others the fact that: the roof of the grand dome is partially deteriorated and must be urgently repaired; the painting from the grand dome has been partially degraded, the cross from the grand dome and the one from the church tower are angled. It established the fact that the measure for the vicar, the replacement in term of 15 days of the broken windows from the dome and removing the pigeons from the church.

At the 19th of June 1972, the works of redoing the church start, implicating capital reparations. Starting with 1975 the church is electrified.

The church, with a form of a cross, is built in a Byzantine style from concrete and brick. It has a height of 38 meters, a length of 29 meters, and the broadest part measures 17 meters. It is covered with galvanized plates, having chamfers and piping. It has four domes, three on the narthex and one on the dome.

The halidom has an interior painting in oil, in a Byzantine style, with floral patterns, the author of the painting between the years 1939 – 1940 being the painter Petre Georgescu from Ploiești. The actual state of the painting is good. The altar screen is made from sculpted oak.

The church tower was built in the year 1940 from metal and it is covered with plates. It has only one bell of approximately 350 kg.

The congregation has a Congregation group in the program “Christ revealed among the children” and “Choose the School”. It has closed a collaboration partnership with the Secondary School No. 1 Dor Mărunt. It also organizes every year a caroling concert.


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