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The Stud Farm Dor Mărunt, Dor MăruntCod 1263

The Stud Farm Dor Mărunt was founded in 1953 and became very well-known for the raising and looking after the horse breed the Romanian Trotter. Together with this breed, here are also raised a few horses from the breed the Romanian Semigreu, fundamentally for servicing of the unity.

The horses were brought at first from the stud farms Jegălia and Segarcea. In 1957, the stud farm passed onto the property of GAS Sighireanu, until 1968. It was separated in 1971, when it functioned under the National Direction of the Forests – Romsilva, namely of the Sylvan Direction Ialomița, it being under the coordination of the Sylvan Direction Călărași. Even from the beginnings, the stud farm’s objectives were the raising of the Romanian Trotters, the vegetal production, but also as deposit for the public freshening for ameliorating the caballine breeds.

The stud farm is destined for raising the youth breed of the Romanian Trotter, but also of the vegetal production. Also, it is a deposit of studs for public freshening for ameliorating the caballines from the big growth:

The Stud Farm Dor Mărunt raises two breeds:

– The Romanian Trotter – it is part of the group of the trotter breeds, which have the common characteristic for the speed trot. It has been consolidated as a breed in the last decades, at it forming participating, in principal, the American trotter (with a percentage of 85%, the Ostrov trotter (with a percentage of 10%), the French trotter (in a percentage of 5%) and the Russian trotter (in a percentage of 5%); also, in the complex crossbreeds performed for realizing its breed, it has been also used a blood infusion with the varieties Nonius and Furioso – North Star;

– The Romanian Semigreu – a breed for intermediary traction. It was formed by the cross-breeding of the horses from the breeds Ardenez, Lipizzaner, Trotter with local Ialomița female horses, being a horse adapted to the conditions from the Wallachia Plain and generically named “Semigreu of Dor Mărunt”.

The principal material base is composed of: 6 stables, 2 movement isles; 7 hayfields, concentrates deposits with a storing capacity of 300 tones, mechanical workhouses, administrative headquarters, and infield.

The effective of the stud farm is formed of studs of public freshening, young, sport and leisure.

The stud farm Dor Mărunt offers:

  • reproductive studs for the resorts of public freshening;
  • specialty consultancy regarding the reproduction at the caballines for the purpose of ameliorating the breeds from the private sector;
  • manege and training for the young


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