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Saint Parascheva Church, StanceaCod 1277

The place of worship has been built between the years 1933 – 1936, the people from the villages Stancea and Clinciu contributing by donating their incomes obtained following the shared crop on the property of the state and the Prefecture of the County of Ilfov. A contribution of 600.000 RON was given by Anastasia Ionescu from Bucharest, considered being the founder of the church.

In the year 1940, following the earthquake, part of the tiles with which the church was covered, were shifted and broken. Consequently, according to the necessary approvals, the church was covered with galvanized plates. In 1952, a powerful wind tore off the roof of the grand dome and it was necessary to be covered again. The electrification of the church was made in the year 1970. Between the years 1994 – 1997 the church was repainted and also was the exterior medallions.

The church was built according to the plan of the architect Henrieta Delavrancea – Gibory, the daughter of the writer Barbu Ștefănescu Delavrancea. It is built in a Byzantine style, with two calotte domes, made of steel concrete. The length of the church is of 24 meters, the width is of 8 meters and the height is of 18 m. The harmony of the lines and of the architectural curves makes it to be called by the locals the “Beautiful church”.

On the exterior there are found 17 painted medallions. The porch is rectangular; initially it was opened, with three openings on the façade and with two lateral openings, supported by the brick columns. Today the spaces are closed with windows. The narthex is covered with a spherical crown on the pendants, over which it is built up the small dome.

The painting was executed by the painter D. Gh. Ștefănescu and his wife, from Bucharest, in oil, in a neo-Byzantine style. The altar screen is of walls, with the frames of the icons from gilded plaster, in a Baroque style.

The congregation church was built in order to serve to the believers from the villages Clinciu and Stancea. If the village Clinciu is reminded by a record from the 1526, the village Stancea is founded following the Rural law of 1864, completed by the Law of 1878 – 1879, when, on the Cliciu property, there were given land ownership 100 marriage couples from the surrounding villages. The act of taking possession of the plowing lots, as well as of the house places, given on the 14th of November 1887, also constitutes the act of the foundation of the actual villages. Because the only church was the ones from Spanțov, situated at 3 km, and the number of villagers was growing, the building up of a church was very necessary.

The congregation has a congregation group in the program Christ revealed to the children.


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