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Independence Monument, Turnu MăgureleCod 1560

The monument was executed in 1985, by a group of architects from Bucharest. It is placed at the entrance of the central park in the city.

The compound is built shaped like a semicircle and displays a statue group composed of three soldiers, representing three types of military troops: dorobanti, marines and frontier guards. On the sides there are bronze bas-reliefs presenting war scenes: the Romanian army crossing the Danube, the Plevna attack, scenes depicting wounded heros being cared for by Dr. Carol Davila .

On the right and left of the statue group there is a base with bronze bas-reliefs representing the Romanian army’s vistory in Plevna.

The town of Turnu Magurele was founded in 1836, by the edict of the king of Wallachia Alexandru Ghica (1834-1842). Later, in 1860, it became an important custom point and commercial center, at the Danube crossing, for the merchandise coming in and out of Wallachia.

It was one of the strong revolutionary centers in 1848. In 1859, the Unification of the Romanian Principalities causes great enthusiasm here and as a sign of their appreciation the people of Turnu Măgurele offers Al.I.Cuza as a gift an engraved sword, today in the National History Museum in Bucharest.

During the Independence war (1877-1878) here weapons and fodder were deposited, hospitals were set up, Turnu Măgurele being one of the support points of military operations. On the ship bridge in Turnu Măgurele-Nicopole aliments and front ammunition was transported, hoards of prisoners and wounded were sent to the country, the Romanian troops returned after the victory on the Turkish army.

The Independence war (1877-1878) marked, through its very happening, a superior stage in the independence and state unity. Teleorman county was during The Independence war, the crossing point for most of the Russian troops across the Danube, the empire army’s itenerary towards the Danube being: Bucharest, Drăgănești de Vlasca, Vitănești, Cernețu, Storobăneasa, Beiu, Smardioasa, Zimnicea, Svistov, and another part of the army went through Alexandria, Furculești, Dracea, Turnu Măgurele.


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