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The Church St. John the Baptist, RedeaCod 1693

According to the inscription “with the help of God this Holy Church was built between 1834-1840. It was restored in 1882 and in 1938 was partially washed the painting. Following the earthquake of 1977 the church being damaged, it was repaired and strengthened. In 1985 the church painting was done again, at that time parish priest of the church being Ion Gr. Vasile. In 2003 the painting was restored, by the mercy of parishioners, both inside as well as outside. ”
Redea is a commune in Olt County, formed by the villages Redea (residence), Redişoara and Valea Soarelui. According to the census conducted in 2011, the population of the Redea commune stands at 3.006 inhabitants, down from the previous census by the 2002, when it had registered 3.259 inhabitants. Most inhabitants are Romanian (96.34%). For the 3.29% of the population, ethnicity is not known. In terms of religious, most people are Orthodox (96.71%). For the 3.29% of the population is unknown the confessional belonging. Within the commune operates the Secondary School, the Kindergarten with normal program Valea Soarelui and Elementary School Redişoara.
The main economic activities of the commune concern trade, milling, bakery, animal husbandry.
Among the local events marked annually the commune Redea stands out by:
– Commemoration of all the historical and religious events, with adequate artistic programs, religious services, involving representatives of religious denominations, police station, students, teachers, war veterans, inhabitants of villages, families of the heroes and other guests, with wreaths to the Monument of the Heroes (The Small Union on January 24 Heroes Day – Ascension Day, The Great Union of December 1st;
– Organizing events such as: organizing the Ball 8th of March (Women’s Day), the Traditional Hora on Easter, the celebration of 50 years of matrimony – May 21 (the Saints Constantine and Helen), organizing meetings financed from the local budget at the end of every school year for the fourth grade and the eight grade , the Feast “Village Sons”- august 15 (on Saint Mary), Balul Crăciuniţei-Vale-Soarelui – December 25, New year – the Passing of years.

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