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“Saint George” Church, KavarnaCod 2042

“St George” Church was built in 1836, with voluntary donations of local residents. Besides this there was a Greek school. It was damaged during the uprising of Kavarna in 1877, after the Liberation was restored and painted (1879).
The church is the oldest preserved Renaissance building in the city. Architecture and valuable icons define it as a unique monument. It has a ship, an apse with a semi-cylindrical ceiling.
According to the inscription carved above the south door of the temple, it was built in 1836. It is connected with the struggle of indigenous peoples, for liberation. It burned during the 1877 uprising Kavarna.
At the end of the nineteenth century, during the restoration of the church, near the northwest corner was built the bell tower and along the western and southern part of the wall is attached a wide narthex.
Starting in September 2007, the church has a new iconostasis – a true work of art. It is made of wood sculptor Doncho Donchev. The iconostasis is with dimensions of 6 x 4.5 m. Columns and friezes are made of cherry and panels of walnut.
By a decision of the local authorities St. George was named patron of Kavarna and May 6 becomes official celebration day of the town.

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