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Krapets VillageCod 2014

Krapets is a small fishing village on the Black Sea, just 10 km north of Shabla and 90 km from Varna, near the end of the international road E87, which runs along the entire coastline. Krapets is a quiet place, known for its sand dunas and birds nesting and which remain to winter around it. The village is literally perched on the waterfront, surrounded by vast fields of wheat, vegetable plantations and lakes – natural reserveations.
The locals are cheerful, friendly and show their hospitality to every guest of the village. Many visiotrs have tasted the local specialty – fish soup. Among peoples’ main activities in Krapets are farming, livestock and fisheries. The village is usually sleepy and quiet, unless it happens to visit it during the Slavic alphabet festival, on May 24. In this day, the whole village, welcomes its guests and pamper themselves by singing, dancing and having fun.
Although only 4 km from the international road, Krapets was far from the tourist flow and the atmosphere here is quite different from the crowded beaches of Albena, Golden Sands and Sunny Beach.The area Krapets village area is clean and the climate of the sea and light wind will refresh you in hot summer evenings.
Beach between Krapets and Durankulak, with a length of 6 km, is unique in the entire Black Sea coast. Here you will find some of the few virgin dunes on the Black Sea, calm sea, with a soft sandy bottom. Even during the summer months, this landmark of the nature remains unaffected by the tourist crowds and allows you to consecrate yourself to the quiet holiday.
Just one kilometer northeast of Krapets is Durankulak lake (pond) – an attractive place for all fishing enthusiasts, here are plenty of whitefish, carp, bream, carp, crabs and even eel. Here are found some rare and endemic species of fish from the Gobiidae family, the ackerel families (Clupeidae) and Gasterosteidae family. The lake is the most northerly along the Bulgarian Black Sea and by origin is a natural harbor – portion of the sea, separated from the sea by a cordon of sand. The water is slightly salty because of its relationship with the sea and it is supplied with water from two karst springs The average depth of the lake is 1.4 m, and the maximum of 4m. It is surrounded by farmland and semi-steppe areas and sand dunes and the beach separates it from the sea to the east. The lake is located on the main road Via Pontica of birds migration. On a special page one can find a lot of information about birds diversity in the region and the importance of of the lake btween the Krapets and Durankulak for conservation in the region and Europe.
On the big island of the lake is the temple of Cybele – one of the largest prehistoric cemeteries in the world, with a length of about two thousand five hundred years. Nearby, they found remains of the oldest and largest Neolithic settlements in continental Europe during 5250 – 3800 BC. All archaeological finds are kept in the Historical Museum of Dobrich.

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