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The Cave Monastery Tarapanata, BalikCod 2051

Still in the early Christian period along the river Suha Reka in Dobrogea arises a colony of cave monasteries.
It is located near the cities of antiquity near Golesh, Silistra, Balik village and Onogour village (municipality of Tervel) in the border areas between the municipality Dobrichka and Tervel. Colonia stretches along 40 km of the dry river valley, the southernmost point being in the Hitovo village (municipality Dobrichka) and the north – in the Golesh village (municipality Kaynardja). As a center of monastic life are accepted rupesta large monastery, known as Gyaur Evleri, near Kragulevo village (Dobrichka village) and group of the fortress monasteries down to Balik village. To the south and north are located its subsidiaries, cells and churches.
Supposedly, in this case, it is about some of the oldest cave monasteries in Bulgaria and not only the Balkans, but in Europe. Their early refers to V-VI centuries and their end – the early century XI. The latest data are suggested by some designs and signs (especially in IYI sign around this cave monastery Hitovo). This assumption is confirmed by the findings of ancient fragments of old Bulgarian dishes in the late eleventh century to the early century XI during excavations in the cave complex “Gyaur Evleri”.
Tarapanata caved monastery is located about 300 m from church grave in the village of Balik. The village is located northwest of Dobrich. The monastery is situated along the river Reka Suhata. You can see a chapel with niche carved into the wall, and a burial chamber cell.
On two floors in the V-VI centuries are formed 4 rooms. On the ground floor on two levels are formed the cell and the chapel 2.60 x 2.65 m, with a niche in the east wall. Near the northern wall is carved the burial chamber. The upper floor also includes two cell rooms and a chapel. The chapel is a rectangular area with dimensions of 2.50 x 1.95 m. On the east wall is a niche format arched altar, and near the northern wall carved a bank and a burial chamber.
From the chapel through a narrow path, one can reach the 2.90 x 1.65 m triangular cell.
It is believed that the site was used in the 10th century, which can be confirmed by the inscriptions found in Cyrillic and crosses branched ends.

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