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The History Museum, KavarnaCod 2040

The museum is located downtown. It opened in 1971. The exhibition follows the history of the city of centuries V-VI to year 1940. The exhibits objects are those that reflect the culture of tribes and peoples who lived in Dobrogea. The museum shows also the largest center of ancient pottery in Europe, discovered near the village of Topola. Here it can be seen treasures from ancient coins, Byzantine, Venetian and Western Europe, illustrating economic and political contacts of the principality Karvuna with the Mediterranean world and the one around the Black Sea.

City Museum in the town of Kavarna receives its status in 1971. It was originally housed in the library building downtown. Activity in Kavarna museum began development after Liberation. In 1906 a report on the Varna Archaeological Society are mentioned the activist’s names of Kavarna museum. In 1974, Ivan Rafailovici raise a small archaeological collection. It is stored at the headquarters of the local tourism society “Kaliakra”. On November 14, 1956 it is formally founded the museum’s collection of Kavarna and was appointed as the first responsible Ivan Rafailovici. In year. In 2003 the museum was moved to a new building, built specifically for this purpose. It has a small exhibition area, that shows the most attractive artifacts from Kavarna region. In the lobby of the museum there are photographs that give an idea of Kavarna image in the century XIX. Old books, weapons and paintings tell about battles and difficult fate of the townspeople. In the exhibition it is arranged a special place for Chirakman – ancient and medieval forerunner of the modern city. In 2007, the museum acquired a new building in which there is room for temporary exhibitions. One of them shows Kavarna region in old maps and engravings. In 2008 were presented the latest results of the arheological excavations of the fortress Kaliakra. Here you can see the evidence of the flourishing Kaliakra as a capital of despot Dobrogea. This small museum has an enormous amount of findings obtained during excavations at numerous sites around Kavarna.

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