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The Protected Area „Orlova Mogila”, Orlova MogilaCod 2086

Orlova Mogila is a protected area in the city of Dobrichka.
Protected area “Orlova Mogila” is located only 22 km from the town of Dobrich, shortly before Orlova Mogila village.

This unique place has kept many beautiful and fragrant peony deposits. In the area are preserved and steppe vegetation debris similar to one that was characteristic in the past in Dobrogea. Most of the species in this ecosystem are rare or endangered.
In the past Dobrogea has been an endless forest-steppe. To free up much needed land for processing and pastures, people began to cut forests. So for centuries Dobrogea change its appearance gradually, gradually replacing farmland forests and grasslands. This makes the anthropological influence natural ecosystems conservation of natural vegetation, one of the main tasks of Dobrogea.

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