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Ivan Vazov Memorial House and Museum, BerkovitsaCod 2101

The house-museum “Ivan Vazov” in Berkovitz is the house where Ivan Vazov lived while he was president of the District Court in Berkovitsa – March 7, 1879 – September 18, 1880. Since 2012, the house-museum “Ivan Vazov” is part of the museum complex – Berkovitz. The house, which houses the museum was built in the early 19th century and has a Bulgarian exterior and interior, specific of the Renaissance. The ceilings and fireplace are authentic and carved, the large room has lockers, murals, window seats. In 1940 it was declared a national historic monument. The house-museum “Ivan Vazov” was opened in 1957 after a renovation dated 15 February 1980 which opened a new exhibition of the museum. In 1964, the house was declared an architectural monument of national importance.
The exhibition in the museum presents the creative path of Ivan Vazov, the greatest attention being given to his period in Berkovitsa. Here, the great Bulgarian poet lives a year and a half and attracts a large number of subjects for his works, loving the nature from Berkovska. The ground floor of the house, has been used, in the past, for business purposes. The interior staircase leads to the second floor, which was used as a dwelling. The right wing is lit, with many windows, fireplace, ceiling and carved niches in the walls. In the lower part is located the hammam. In this wing stood Ivan Vazov. The left side is more feminine. The ceiling of this room is also the hall ceiling are carved with translated literature. It is the work of masters from Tryavna. Adjacent to the house-museum “Ivan Vazov” is the Ethnographic Museum, which is part of the 100 national tourist sites of the Bulgarian Tourism Union.

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