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Eco-Trail “Deyanitsa” – ChiprovtsiCod 2183

The waterfall – extremely beautiful of 6 meters high, located in the town of Chiprovtsi. It can be reached by trail “Deyanitsa”, which begins from the asphalt road the outskirts of town. In order to guide yourself, in case you are on this road way, is best to ask the locals. The beginning of the route is at a few kilometers away from the city towards the ruined monastery Gushovski. There remained the stone cross and the foundation of the former church that you can see. Every year, on September 6th, here it is celebrated the anniversary of the uprising of Chiprovtsi. Until the area becomes accessible by road – at the end of the year, there is a fountain from which you can drink spring water, there are tables and chairs for a picnic. There, also begins the trail “Deyanitsa” with clear and detailed markings. It will take you in to the mountain on a small wooden bridge which leads to a green meadow. Stop to see it – you will see more wild flowers, birds and insects. After the lawn you arrive again at a bridge from where you can go through the forest. Here the road becomes more difficult and some places are steep and you should be careful not to slip. At the end of the route is Chiprovski waterfall. From a height of over 6 meters, the water falls through the rocks, covered with moss, and feeds the rich flora of the forest and gives life to several fish downstream. If you are more experienced, you can pass over the waterfall and look down – you will see the view of the falling water, the forest and its inhabitants. Beware – it is steep and slippery!
The trail itself begins with a dirt road, climbing gradually to the forest and mountains. The signs are placed in key locations to indicate the direction towards the Watefall. The transition from the waterfall in one direction same as at the top of the eco-route is along the valley “Old River” and is quite steep.

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