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Cures Well, BalyuvitsaCod 2137

Holy water from the holy spring near Berkovitsa village Balyuvitsa treated mainly eyes. The place itself is picturesque, surrounded by a well mystery. Cures well existed for centuries, but after the earthquake in Vrancea in 1977 was buried by rocks. Then the miracle happened, the huge stones themselves Fit and clear rivulet ancestry. Restored is July 29, 2005 and consecrated by Bishop Nestor. 250 meter trail leads people to curative spring where the laity are hung icons of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. The water contains magnesium and treats mostly eyes and nervous system diseases, explains deputy mayor of Balyuvitsa Todor Milkov and shows her certificate. Years ago, looters dug surroundings and rocks to search for gold, but instead found a treasure books. The way to curative spring runs along the cemetery and monastery. The local people remember from the tradition that the village was located in the village 2 km further. Then the village was called Ragyovets. According to legend, he killed a Turk and fear of revenge residents moved to a sheltered spot. Beautiful area nearby is named “Magerskoto” and hidden mysteries. Books found in rocks over sacred healing spring.

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