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The Stadium „Ogosta“, MontanaCod 2186

The stadium “August” is the stadium of FC “Montana” and serves the needs of the city and the team.
The capacity of this facility is of 8,000 seats. There is a jogging track, which is used in special tournaments for children. Stadium reconstruction was done in 1995 – its capacity was increased by 2,000 seats, was built a new sector of the fans, for guests and a buffer zone. The lawn was replaced in the summer of 2010. In 2011 by the will of the donor Kiril Marinov was built a training area with artificial surface. In 2014, a cross-border project renovated the track and lawn, put a night board and built a nocturne.
In 2014 has also been renovated the stadium track of the field and was built electric lighting.

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