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Kyontu Kapu, RuseCod 2326

Under the terms of the Peace Treaty of Berlin in 1878, all fortresses of the Principality of Bulgaria were destroyed. From the Rouschouk fortress was left only the Kyuntu Kapu gate pinned in iron. Specialists believe thats the way Bulgarian medieval gates looked like. Kapu Kyontu fortified gate – literally ( “Gate of the pipe”) can be seen out of Ruse bridge called by the inhabitants of the Russian “snail”. This is one of the gates of the fortress Ottoman Rouschouk, at the end of which ran a pipe (kyunt) – part of the water supply system of the city. This pipeline feed the fountain in the school yard of St. Georgievski (now the School “Angel Kanchev”) – the only well preserved from the eighteenth-century Russia.
In the vicinity of Sveta Petka dedicated gate rises – Paraskeva. This is the new patron of Russian and establishing the links with the past employer. Ruse area last stone church – “Sveta Petka” was buried after release. It is next to the deposits beer brewery of “Sveta Petka”. Patron today of “Sveta Petka” (arch. S. Bobchev) is curious its architectural plan, recalling the famous church of “Gold” or “Round” of Preslav, built by Tsar Simeon Veliki.

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