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The Ruse OperaCod 2367

Russian Opera was founded in 1949. The first production – “Traviata” by Verdi, it was presented at November 27, 1949.

Since the XIX century, the Russian began to form temporary operas, choirs and symphonic bands, the result of contact with European culture that reached the Russian music through Danube. Playing shows and excerpts from various works with the participation of various ensembles and instrumental groups of bodies, some of them showing strong ambitions on creating a serious artistic work. As a result of winning a growing popularity of opera genre, it was created in 1919 and the State Opera – an institution which, after various transformations, we know today as the State Opera – Ruse.

As a result of the awareness that serious work in opereu hard can only private means (as a result of which fact, over the years, the State Opera had several times to stop working) and the result of the new state policy after 1945, in 1949, the State Opera – Ruse was nationalized and transformed into “People’s Opera – Ruse”. The first premiere of the work acuum state was “Traviata” by Verdi – 27 November 1949. The production team with conductor Dragan Kardzhiev left deep traces in the development of theater.

The 1955-1956 season was built and the new opera house – converted into Russian city emblem, the State Opera house – Ruse is now. The first premiere of the new work was on February 5, 1956 – operetta “Evgeniy Onegin” by Chaikovski.

In 1958, Russian opera began, continued ocolaborare decades with the Romanian National Opera in Bucharest, and a year later began co close collaboration with the Union of Composers in Moscow as a result of which, the Russian Year ‘s produced, in turn, works of Russian and Soviet composers (Prokofiev, Hrennikov, Stravinsky, Shostakovich), most of which – for the first time in Bulgaria.

In 1999, the Russian People’s Opera and the National Philharmonic – Ruse gathered in one institution which initially was called Opera and Philharmonic Society – Rousse, and from 2010 – National Opera – Ruse.

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