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Church “St. Nicola”Cod 2413

Church “St. Nicola” is located close to Fishermen`s village close to the Danube. It was built out of the donations of the patriotic citizens of Tutrakan and was initially inaugurated on July 14th, 1865.
The first commemorative ceremony for those who died during the fights took place here in 1916, and the first public pray for Dobruja liberation happened in 1940.
The cathedral is majestic with exceptional architecture. The church has three naves, each of which ends on the east by a semi-circular apse both inside and outside. The temple is totally different from the churches in other towns along the Danube river. The difference is mainly in the usage of the interior space. While other churches have a well-defined plan with one or three naves,
in Tutrakan church there is a clear trend of creating equal arms of a Greek cross in a compromise. A large apse rises in height close to the height nave. Therefore, its space flows into the central space of the church. The apse does not look attached to the wall, but as part of it. Beautiful sculpture and original royal gates, frescoes and iconostasis were carved by the master painters of the Tryavna School of Art Tsanyuv Zachary and his son Stefan.

Biserica ”Sf. Nikolay”
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