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Malak Preslavets Swamp – Malak PreslavetsCod 2420

Malak Preslavets swamp was declared a protected area and is located 4 kilometres north of the village of Malak Preslavets, near the Danube River. It is about 30 km away from the natural reservation “Srebarna” and serves as a source of food for herons, glossy ibis, spoonbills, cormorants and other birds that nest in the reservation. The lakes and ponds help the breed and preservation of significant natural and biological resources, such as fish, mussels, crabs, reeds, mud, salt and others.
Malak Preslavets swamp is one of the largest water catchment areas of Dobrogea and one of the few preserved wetlands along the Danube River. Typical for the “swamp” are the islands of lilies and the concentrations of rare and endangered bird species.
There is a total of 147 species and 82 of them are nesting. These include grey heron, little egret, night heron, which are protected species. One can see more small winter ducks, green head ducks, Tufted Ducks, squacco heron, Ardea cinerea mute swan, Inca tern, green legs hen and Liska hen, Barn swallow.

Throughout the year here can be seen the Swamp harrier, accipitridae, blackbird, Liska hen (its presence indicates that the waters of the swamp are clean), Ferruginous Duck, Great Crested Grebe, Garganey, Cormorant, Bittern.
What makes the swamp special is the enormous flora on such a small territory. There are over180 species of superior plants, representing 4.8% of the Bulgarian flora.
The most significant plant is the white water lily (Nymphaea alba), which was declared an endangered species in the Red Book of Bulgaria. This colonies occupying about 46 acres of the marsh surface formed the largest diversity of flowers from Bulgaria. Therefore, the swamp is known by name of “Kingdom of water lilies”, and in June around the lake is organised the festival of water lilies where folklore groups from Northern, eastern and Southern Bulgaria come to sing and dance.
Between the Danube River and the swamp there is a fishing village, where fishermen weave and repair nets and boats and sell fish. There are also facilities for picnic.

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