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“Sava Dobroplodni” Drama Theatre – SilistraCod 2402

The beginnings of the theatrical history in Silistra dates from 1872 with the play “Mnogostradalna Genoveva”, the result of the creative work of the theatrical organisation in Silistra. The most memorable year for Silistra theatre is 1942 when it was declared a professional state theatre. In 2002 the sixth theatre hall is inaugurated and are celebrated 60 years from its declaration as professional state theatre. For the 60 years the theatre bill mentions almost 550 titles. In 1997 the theatre won the competition organised according to the standards of the Ministry of Culture and became a repertory theatre being financed both by the city and by the state.
The Puppet Theatre “S. Dobroplodni” is one of its kind in Bulgaria being an experimental Drama and Puppet Theatre with the same general management. Thus it was created a theatre with two departments – drama and puppet shows – with ideas of continuing the cooperation between them.

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