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„Adormirea Maicii Domnului” Church, BrebeniCod 1577

In Catagrafiei Eparhiei Argeș, in 1824, made by prof. Ion Ionaşcu the village Brebeni in Olt county, had a masonry church dedicated to St. Nicholas, on the estate of boyars in Brebeni, built by master Dimirie Lânaru Slătineanu. This church was pastored by Father Ivan the deacon being Dumitraşco. Most churches belonging to the rural district of plasii de Sus in Olt County were built of wood and with a relatively small number of walls.

n another paper in town Brebeni-Olt is mentioned a church without artistic interest, rebuilt in the second half of the century. XIX by  R. Simonide.This church is reported because, according to tradition, the ancient founders are the same with the patrons of church Maica Domnului in Slatina ( boyards of Slatinenilor family), who built the church on their estate in Brebeni. In the nineteenth century, during the reign of princeTarii Romanesti, Gheorghe Bibescu (1843- 1848), brother with Barbu Ştirbei and son of Dimitrie Bibescu and Catherine Văcărescu, is built the current Church in Brebeni, dedicated Adomirea Maicii Domnului. The church has a cross form, built of brick and dates back to 1845, the foundation was raised on the expense of Greek nobleman and Raducanu Simionide with great perseverance of Alexander Hagi Georci during the period of Bishop Ilarion of Arges.

Inscriptions, written in oil on the wall are evidence not only of the age of this place of worship, but also of any changes in time. In 1914, the church was renewed, restored. 1938 massive architectural transformations occurring through a overhaul by adding two aisles of the nave, the construction of large tower above the altar, the constuction of the entrance porch and galvanized coating.

Historical value is given by its inscriptions in Cyrillic handwritten 1864. Also appears the name of George M. Gregoriou – Romanov at the expense of which were printed more gospels in 1863, one of which, the mentioned one, is at the church Brebeni. It is very possible that George N. Gregoriou-Romanov has been a close relative of the famous bookseller Iosih Romanov, who in 1855 founded the National Printing House in Bucharest of Joseph Romanov and Company here being printed the Union acts – Ad-hoc Convention acts.

Another object of worship particularly valuable now in the inventory of the Church in Brebeniis a Missal printed in Eliad’s printing house, in Bucharest, 1833.

On the right, near the apse of the church is a monument of marble, made in Bucharest in 1867 by sculptors or diggers, as are mentioned in the documents chiseled in stone namely D. Lambadit and G. Chalapa.

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