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” Antimovo Inn” / “Dalboka Inn”, Tutrakan regionCod 2437

In the middle of the XIX century was built Khan inn that served and accommodated transit passengers. The border between Dobrudja and Ludogorie, close to the main road Ruse – Silistra, was covered by dense forests where very aggressive gangs used to watch for the travellers. The travellers avoided to spend the night outside. It is supposed that exactly in the same place was the location of the famous „Antimovo Inn” from the stories of the famous Bulgarian writer Yordan Yovkov.
At the end of XIX century was created a fountain with spring water, which in 1962 year is renewed and maintained to this day. Through this area have passed two of the detachments of Bulgarian liberators movement: Detachment of Khitov-bearer Vasil Levski – 1867 and Detachment Tanio Voivoda – 1876.
Every year on May 30, it’s organized a crusade – reconstruction “In the Footsteps of the detachment of Tanio Voivoda”.

Here there is a hotel called “Khan Dalboka”. The area is refined with gazeboes and is very suitable for picnics and recreation.

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