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Astronomical Observatory, BelograchikCod 2600

Astronomical Observatory – Belogradchik is one of the two observatories included by the Astronomy Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, together with National Astronomical Observatory – Rozhen. It is located in the town of Belogradchik in northwest Bulgaria.
The Observatory was founded in 1961 on the initiative of local physics professor Hristo Kostov and became the first school observer in the country. In the mid 70s is used by the Institute of Astronomy as basis for monitoring the Earth’s artificial satellites, and with the beginning of 1976, the Institute deals with full operation of the plant. Initially, the observatory has15 inch Cassegrain, which reflects the telescope’s type, manufactured by Zeiss. In 1969, on the 6-foot dome is mounted a 60-inch telescope also type Zeiss, which is the second largest telescope in the country. In 1994 the observatory received a third telescope of 14-inch, Schmidt-Cassegrain type, produced by Selestron and installed in a dome previosly built, of the 4-feet.

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