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„Birth of the Virgin” Church, SprâncenataCod 1685

Birth of the Virgin Church in Sprâncenata was built between 1855 – 1857, being constructed over an older one. The construction is one of brick and was made with the contribution of the village congregation. The most important changes were made in 1929, 1968 and 1977 when it was repaired, and in 2002-2003 was entirely plastered and was repainted.
Birth of the Virgin is celebrated by the Church on September 8, it is the first major holiday in the church year. It was fixed on the eighth day in the church year, because the number eight symbolizes eternity day.
Holy Scripture gives us no information about the Birth of the Virgin. This event is recounted in the the apocryphal writings.
The Protevangelion of Jacob, a Judeo-Christian work from the second Century, provides more details about the origins and childhood of the Virgin.
According to researchers, the fragment referring to the Virgin Mary, was written around the year 140. Although it is not considered a canonical writing, the information can be considered valid, not binding.
Virgin Mary’s father was called Joachim and was from the tribe of Judah. Joachim’s wife was Anna, daughter of the priest Matthan. These were older and being destitute of children were seen by others as cursed. Joachim and Anna are not resigned, they do not say to themselves “we have no choice,” but they dare to ask God to be parents in old age.
The apocryphal gospel of the life of Mother of God tells us that Joachim said to his wife, Ana, “I am no longer urged by my heart to get into my house. I go to the mountain, and there I will fast and pray to God to give us a child”. What is wonderful is that Joachim does not say how long he will stay. He is not going to ask God with half measures.
Ana and becoming one with her husband, does not remain indifferent to Joachim’s gesture, but also begins to pray to God with pain and tears, promising to surrender the child that she will bear to the service of God.
Angel Gabriel will show to each one, telling them that their prayer was not overlooked and that God will send his blessing. He also proclaimed that this child will be filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb and that will be a chosen vessel of God.

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