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The „Saint Nicolas“Church, OrleaCod 1715

The church “Saint Nicholas” from Orlea village was built before 1842. Another source states that was built befor 1845, restored from wall between the years 1863 to 1864, on the site of a hovel church and repaired in 1894 and 1925. Old inscription tells us that the church and was built around 1863, being generally repaired in 1895. New inscription states that in 1990 were finished the capital repair works of the church.
Orlea is an authentic, old, historical village, on a rich Roman settlement. From the excavations made by the staff of the Orlea museum, from the random excavations of the citizens, as well as from the pond overflows, were revealed objects like: statues, vases with different inscriptions, strainers, tombs, coins, Scythian arrows, different fibulae forms, bricks with inscriptions of famous brick and pottery craftsmen, and Roman legions. Under Michael the Voievod, 1593-1601,during Sinan Pasha’s expedition (1595) Orlea village was destroyed by the Turks. Some villagers ran across the Danube, others in the mountains. Through the document from the year 1616 (7124) June 11, under the reign of Radu the VIII th Mihnea, the inhabitants that had fled from the village Orlea, which had remained deserted, were exempted of taxes for two years and the ruler ordered to Cozia Monastery to make a village of mercy at Orlea and to gather the residents who fled and other foreigners from elsewhere. Thus the village Orlea was born again. The village is given by charter to Cozia Monastery being administered by the monks. For the administration of the estate and of Bălții Mamina, the Cozia Monastery sent to Orlea, 12 monks, distributed as follows: 5 monks for the field administration, 5 for Bălții administration, 1 monk for church and 1 monk for school.
In 1735 on June 15th, broke out the quarrel because the inhabitants could no longer endure the conditions of the monks, refusing to till the earth and to fish in the pond. Then the monks, helped by reign force, raised some villagers from Orlea, took them, walking, to Craiova, at the administration, in heavy prison. They were taken by force to sign a new deed as monks pleased.
During the 1821 uprising, the Greek monks run across the Danube, leaving the estate and leaving the pond.
In 1864 in Orlea village were 224 family children.The new Orlea, was made in 1880 after the land reform of young spouses.

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