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Children’s Club, Turnu MăgureleCod 1557

Kids Club is located in front of CFR Rail Station and up to 1945 was the seat of the Chamber of Agriculture, ie in the interwar period, the national grain price was established in this building. The architecture of the building is one in Byzantine style with Rotonde, columns and engravings.

Kids Club was founded on 12 October 1954 and at first has functioned in a nationalized local on  Elena Cuza Voda Street, the site of the present hostel no. 3, until 1965 when was moved into a former administration building constructed in 1838, on the street Griviţa and in an annex of the prison where it worked until 1982, then in the current local on the road to Alexandria.

Originally, the building belonged to the Chamber of Agriculture and was a boarding school of the Agro-Industrial High School.

In the year of its establishement, in 1954, has functioned with only 3 circles: Navo-models, Skillful hands and Sport. Their number gradually increased, thereby in 1986-1987, to reach 15 circles: modelism, telecommunications, construction, radio, automation, karting, experimental chemistry, small livestock and poultry, vegetable and floriculture, and thematic modern dance, light music , tourist activity, creative writing workshop fantasy, clothing, knitwear, photo-cineclub.

The teaching staff consisted of 3 teachers, six specialist teachers – two of biology, one of philology, one geography, one physical education 1 agrobiologie 6 specialized personnel – one engineer, four master builders, one technician.

In the school year 1997-1998, within Children’s Club – Turnu Magurele have functioned a total of 21 circles: environmental protection, vegetable and flower growing, experimental chemistry, drawing, painting, telecommunications, cenaclu theater, radio building, modern dance, musical instruments , karting, automation, photo-cineclub creations – embroidery garments, table tennis, model boats, tourist-oriented, computer, chess, judo, sport games – kayak.

During 2002-2003 the club structure was the following: dance, radio construction, telecommunications, photo-cineclub, meteorology, environmental protection, computer, tailoring – fantasy creation – embroidery, drawing – painting, folk, table tennis, hiking, tools musical.

Since 2008, the Children’s Club – Turnu Magurele, operates a total of 10 circles: computer science, folklore-ethnographic, tourist guidance, karting, electronics, telecommunications, modern dance, table tennis, environmental protection and museology.

Turnu Magurele is part of the new cities, but the settlement itself is much older. From the late Bronze Age dates the great hoard found at Turnu Magurele in 1880, formed in some kind of cylinders 10 in, 5 cm long, with a diameter of 54-56 cm and garnish with transversal ribs from a piece of a gold pipe, as well as the 433 rings of five small sizes. The rings served as currency in trade exchanges which were done in the region. After the Dacian-Roman wars from the years 101-106 AD, concluded with the victory of the Roman army led by Emperor Trajan, which resulted in the conquest of Dacia, the area of the  present town did not become part of the new province created. Emperor Trajan fortified the eastern border of Dacia on the line of Olt River building the well known Limes Alutanus, consisting of forts and cities on both sides of the Olt River, from the Danube. The officiall establishment of the city of  Turnu, was held on February 27, 1836 during the reign of Alexandru Ghica.


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