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Church of St. Nicholas, VidinCod 2662

The full name of the church is “St. Nicholas the Wonderworker”. This is the second largest Orthodox church in the town of Vidin. The church is located in the court of the metropolitan complex near the Danube Park. The church was built to replace the old bell tower and expansion of the church “St. Panteleimon”.
The church was declared a cultural monument in the Official Gazette N 84 of 31.10.1975.In 1926, the old church of St. Nicholas with the new bell tower and the wall surrounding the church of “St. Panteleimon were demolished and in its place was built the current church of” St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. “For its construction, Neophyte from Vidin has collected by himself over 300 000 leva gold. The merit is also of the Archimandrite Eugene – chairman of the board of the church. The church has a black marble memorial plaque with the names of its 34 donors and 9 other names inscribed on one of the side doors.
The church is designed by architect Kosta Nikolov, who personally oversaw the construction. Has contributed, also, the architect Ilya Popov and the contractor Vasil Gyuderov with Master Chief Assen Avramov. The merchants from Balabanov building in Sofia sent as gift, 10 wagons of softwood. The construction started on 17th of October 1926 and the solemn inauguration of the temple is made on 19th of October 1930 by Neophyte of Vidin.
The church has three naves in a cross with one apse and a narthex, whose appearance is emphasized by the large dome and by two towers placed symmetrically to the main entrance and facade, with many lively round arched windows.
In addition to the back gallery, there are two side galleries. The walls are all painted. In the arched niche above the entrance in the south is the image of St. Nicholas, executed in mosaic. Presumably it was made in Berlin, modeled on the mausoleum of Antim.
Inside, the church was completely painted bythe artists from Sofia, Zheliazkov and Mr Filip Filipov. The iconostasis is of great artistic value. In the naves there are many icons. The restoration frescoes was carried out in 2009. Today the Church of “St. Nicholas” is located in the complex of buildings: the church “St. Pantelimon” (1634), the Court of Vidin Metropolis (1924), the mausoleum of Antim I (1934) and Diocesan School (1926).Condition of the church is good, provided that should be opened to visitors.

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