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Eforie Aqua Park, Eforie NorthCod 1183

Located in Eforie North, in a comfort area with a broad accessibility, Eforie Aqua Park is the first water park destined for resorts from the south of the seaside, thus completing the recreational needs of the entire area.

With a capacity of over 3000 seats and with similar facilities  to European aquatic parks, Eforie Aqua Park is defined as the sole and primary tourist attraction provided with facilities for all ages and manages to create thus the ideal premises for a perfect holiday. Within the park, there is a team of specialists consisting of  lifeguards,  and benefits from first aid and emergency teams,  so that those visiting the park should spend their free time in the best conditions. Also, each day are organized shows and interactive parties for children and adults with special guests, people of culture and famous singers.

Within the Aqua Park Eforie one can  find:

– waterslides;

– Kids Zone: especially arranged for children, where the little ones can play safely in the pool specially designed, which has a maximum depth of 60 cm. Besides waterslides, here are held, during the day, various dedicated programs, including: raffles with prizes, magic contests, circus performances and many unusual surprises;

– Adult Pool: pool for adults with a maximum depth of 1.60 m;

– VIP Zone: offers to groups of friends, families and all those eager for relaxation, an intimate space and an atmosphere characterized by outstanding service standards and by a premium design;

– Food Zone: a generous food court area, where are self-service restaurants, pizzeria, confectionery, fast food and 6 themed bars.

The price of access in Eforie Aqua Park is different depending on the season and varies between 35 and 45 RON for adults and between 25 and 35 RON for children.


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