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Fountains Square “Zheravitsa”, MontanaCod 2136

“The Fountains” of Montana are architecturally shaped marble fountain with multiple cascades, which in warmer months of the year night are illuminated in attractive colors. There are central square” Zheravitsa. “At one end of the large rectangular basin stands a monumental monument” Septemvriitsi. “Square of fountains is a place for walking, resting, meeting and at the same time to mark major national and local holidays and to organize celebrations. around fountains are designed places for rest and maintain a constant green park area. as the area around them has a displacement, fitted with ramps for moving people with disabilities. All the environmental area and adjacent areas is a pedestrian zone. Around the square and fountains are a number of central administrative and cultural centers of the city – municipal administration, the historical Museum, the Drama Theatre ” Dragomir Asenov “library” Geo Milev “and others.

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