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“Holy Voivodes” Church, PleșoiuCod 1638

Church of the Holy Voivodes in Pleșoiu was built in 1734 as the foundation of Radu and Dumitraşco Plesvianu. The main changes brought to the sanctuary aimed the repainting from 1850, 1945 and 1994.
Every year, on November 8th, the Church honors the Synaxis of Michael and Gabriel and of all Heavenly powers of those without bodies. The main work of angels is that of strengthening and sustain the man in transfigure the world.
In the Hebrew language, the name of Michael means “Who is like God?”. He is the one who “shouts”: “Let us remember, we, who are creatures, of what suffered Lucifer, that who was with us: that which was light, now darkness is made. That who is like God?” and so was drawn up the council, ie the gathering and unification of all angels.
On his behalf is put, also the guidance of Lot and his family out of Sodom as well as the special protection of the people of Israel. Takes out of the oven the three young men from Babylon, supports Gideon in battle, rebukes Balaam the wizard and takes out of the prison, the Apostle Peter.
According to Scripture, all the dead will come forth at the trumpet voice of the Archangel Michael.
In iconography, Archangel Michael is shown carrying, in his hand a flaming sword, a sign that he punishes the sin. Archangel Michael is mentioned in the Old Testament books as being present especially where God punishes injustice. This is why Archangel Michael is shown to be an angel of justice.
In Hebrew, Gabriel means “man-God”. His name contains concentrated the news that God will become man, that will take human nature. Proclaims to the Holy Fathers Joachim and Anna, the birth of the Virgin, reveals to Zachariah the birth of the Forerunner. Shows to the shepherds that their child was born, strengthens Joseph, husband of Mary, not to doubt anything, guides the Sacred Family in Egypt and brings the news of the Resurrection to myrrh-bearing women.
Archangel Gabriel is depicted in Orthodox iconography, wearing in hand a white lily flower, as a symbol of joy and blessing. Archangel Gabriel is the angel of goodness and mercy of God.

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