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Kalimok protected area – BrashlenCod 2357

Brashlen Kalimok-protected area can be characterized as one of the top 10 most representative areas of the country, occupying an area of 6000 hectares. Tutrakan is located within the valley and up the Danube includes the following islands: Mixhka, Malak Brashlen, Golyam Brashlev, Pyasachnik, Bezimenen, Kalimok and Radetski. In the protected area, Florrie is represented by 109 species of algae, 10 species of moss, 16 fungi species, 300 species of plants super. The greatest wealth are birds. For the 242 bird species, of which 134 are doing their cubes, the marsh near the town of Tutrakan was declared important ornithological by BirdLife International. Here is one of the largest colony of heron cee in Bulgaria, and also one of the last remaining secular elms, black poplars and oaks Vardim in Bulgaria.

In the protected area so you can practice various sightings of rare birds and various sports activities and tourism, such as lowering the Danube by boat, visiting an island on the Danube and also cycling. The area has many marked trails for bicycles.

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