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“Malak Kanagiol” Protected AreaCod 2426

Protected area “Malak Kanagiol” is a dry valley of a canyon located in the central plateau of Dobruja, in the municipalities of Silistra and Alfatar Kaynardzha.
The valley is relatively straight, but Kutlovitsa village forms numerous curves. In many places in the dry valley there are separated low cliffs and rocks, which in the south and north reach up to 60-70 m in height. They are surrounded by agricultural areas. Harsovska river is used by the migratory birds as a migration corridor – part of the western migration route of the Black Sea – Via Pontica. The following birds were seen flying in flocks – such as the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) but also raptures, including some endangered ones as the hawk (Circus macrourus).
The steep cliffs and slopes are pierced by caves which are habitats of rare birds such as the great bustard (Otis tarda), partridge (Perdix perdix), kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), calandra lark (Mlanocorypha calandra), steppe eagle (Aquila rapax) and others. The vegetation has a lso a strong influence. The forests include oak, hornbeam, linden, Hungarian oak maple and grey oak.
The area offers opportunities for mountain hiking, rock climbing, but only on the allowed routes. There is a tourist infrastructure in Strelkovo and Vasil Levski villages.
A trip along the dry rivers and their fantastic formations can be perceived as a time travel. In the canyons there are numerous rock temples and altars since the Thracian times.
Except for the winter, every season is suitable for visiting the protected area.

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