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Orlova Chuka Cave, Dve MogiliCod 2352

Orlova Chuka cave is about 40 km from Ruse, near the village Pepelina. The cave was discovered in 1941 by a shepherd who was tending sheep in the area.

In 1959 in Orlova Chuka were built 124 stone steps and a tunnel was dug articicial that sereşte as input. Cavers began to investigate the cave and discover skeletons of cave bears. It is deemed to have been inhabited by humans in Paleolithic and Chalcolithic period. The cave was declared a natural monument Order Nr. 2810 of 10/10/1962.

Today, visitors are accessible and enlightened about 1 km from the cave.
Its name derives from the crown of the stone which is located above the entrance. Orlova Chuka is the habitat of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) and common lilac small (Myotis blythii). In the galleries lives and tawdry bat (Chiroptera), which is a species unique to Europe. Cave research continues today.

Since entering artificial Olov Chuka is entering the first room of the cave. It is called “Concert Hall” because it has good acoustics, frequently performing in this concert every year in August during the Cave Festival, a festive concert takes place. In “Concert Hall” is “stalactite Mare” with a height of 3.5 m and a diameter of 50 cm.

The largest and best equipped room in the cave is “Great Grohotiş”. On the walls are kind sinter formations where if prriviţi, may prove interesting shapes, like a snake, footballer with ball and others. In the back of the hall are stone blocks probably have emerged during strong earthquakes. At the bottom there are many scrap bat feces, because the hall is one of the favorite habitats of bats in the cave.

The cave is entered Gurp (not more than 15 persons) every hour. Shooting in the cave is allowed, but the fire is prohibited, disrupting anumalelor cave that live and visit galleries of the cave unequipped. It is also prohibited visit during November 1 to April 1, and the rest of the year, tourist visit is authorized only between 9-17. The SITE informational materials and souvenirs are sold. In Peseri is entered only with a guide.

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