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Pantheon of National RevivalCod 2353

Pantheon of National Revival is a national patron – an ossuary 453 supporters of the Bulgarian national revival. Many of them gave their lives in the city of Ruse, others left their bones here, embedded in the foundations of New Bulgarians. Old cemetery in Russian, converted Renaissance Park, was the natural place for the construction Panteolului in their honor, opened on 28 February 1978 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Bulgaria’s Liberation from Ottoman rule. Its construction was destroyed church Vsi Svetii – it happened the day of St. Dimitru in 1975. In 1977 began the construction of the Pantheon, designed by a team of authors, led by arch. Nikola Nikolov. Negative thoughts arousing the consciousness of the inhabitants of Ruse, in 2000, the building became SITE Christianization. With the help of Lions Club and the artist Yoaniy, it was built a chapel and a museum exhibition documents. Paneonul keeps bones revolutionaries and volunteers, members of bands and cultural and educational figures. Here are the first teachers Ruse – Dragan teacher, Toni Daskal, Nile Izorov, Tsan Ginchev Dragan Tsankov – the founder of the library “Zora” ( “Dawn”), participating in the battles of the church, pro-Russia Prime Minister in the early years of free Bulgaria. Here are the bones of Lyuben Karavelov and Zahari Stoyanov – up to it, and aleadversarilor its policy because, before being shot as organizers of the Uprising Russophile Thomas Kardzhiev, Atanas Uzunov and Olimpi Panov were participating prominent national movement liberation heroes of the Serbo-Bulgarian war. Pantheon were immortalized in the name Black Water Mist participants in Serbo-Turkish war of 1876. It was granted the respect and dignity deserved Obretenov families, from whose landmark Baba Tonka, has acquired most of the hordes mythological each transormându into Liberty Bulgarian mother.
Part of the city’s cultural memory today Panenonul is one of the points which combines heritage and civic activism. News site that has a significant size for the local community, it establishes a sustainable place in the city’s history, which legitimizes the future.
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every day from 9.00 to 17.30

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