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Puppet Theatre, RuseCod 2358

In the distant year 1955 a group of enthusiasts led by artistic director Nikola Krastev păpuşăritului art founded in Ruse. The band was founded at the Cultural Workers in transport.
On 26 February 1956 the first meeting of the small crowd of Ruse was the story of the heroes of the play “Little Red Riding Hood”. They followed the shows “false shepherd”, “wonderful Box,” “Mermaid” and others.
15 fbruarie 1960 amateur group received the status of “National Puppet Theatre”. The band traveled, the rooms were full, but the actors still had no own building.
Therefore, on June 1, 1965 will be a memorable day in istoriateatrului. On this day, with “golden girl”, it was officially opened SCENE own puppet theater in Ruse. Situated close to the Danube River, the building is today a cultural monument (it was built in the time of Midhat Pasha) and the small crowd favorite place in Russian.

During this period of time, the Puppet Theatre – Ruse worked and were housed many talented actors, directors, set designers and composers that have earned him many awards. They were created wonderful performances, memorable, like “Bear huffy,” “Peter – Light Blue,” “The Adventures probable Eremia’s Bozyakov”, “champion and golden apple,” “White Snow and the Seven dwarfs, “” Iron boy “,” duel in the forest “” in our world of silence … “” dangerous Adventures heroes with sweet talk “,” the Little prince “,” for the sun and drum magic ball “and others.
There are few prizes that it has obtained theater – diplomas from the festivals in town Varazhdin, Yugoslavia; Riga, Latvia; Pécs, Hungary; the Ministry of Education and the House of Arts and Culture for children. For successful presentation at First International Festival “Golden Dolphin” – Varna 1972, the theater was awarded the silver medal for the show “golden girl” by Y. Radikov; at the Third International Festival “Golden Dolphin”, Varna 1978, he received the bronze medal for “Ride the dragon” by Rada Moskova; International Festival “Golden Dolphin” – Varna ’88, was awarded the bronze medal for the show “Pay Parrot” by Yordan Toddorov. Following the celebration of 25 years of existence, its entire business and high artistic achievements, in 1985 the theater was awarded the order “Cyril and Methodius” – first degree.

All these years, the Puppet Theatre in Ruse had many tournaments. Apart from Bulgaria, the theater was on tour in Romania, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Denmark, Syria, Libya, Algiers, Germany, Russia.
Russian Puppet Theatre has a past worthy exeprienţa, about half a century, and his motto was: “Let’s create a world for children – magical and lyrical, contemplative and dynamic!”

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