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Raduțeștilor House, ButoieștiCod 1419

Constantin Rădulescu Motru was born in the house in Butoiești. He spent the first seven years there and he would always come in the summer, during the breaks from school. At the age of seven he went into 1st grade, in Butoiești. He was enrolled with the name Popescu. Later, during high school, because there were too many people with this name, a teacher called him Rădulescu, from his father’s name – Radu.

In the fall of 1876 he transferred to the Private institute for boys „Gustav Arnold“in Craiova, famous educational establishment that the philosopher mentions: “I was educated in a private school until 16”. In that school they use the newest and best pedagogic methods and the student Constantin Rădulescu felt their effects in his trainings. There he stood out as a well prepared student and received awards every year. The childhood places, the house in Butoiești, deeply affected him, so that he kept coming back during his whole life, until retirement.

The house was a meeting place for culture people of those times and not necessarily a landowner house in the real sense of the word. In the pages of the diary left by Constantin Rădulescu we see that, although he was involved more in the cultural world, he also had administrative tendencies regarding the 300 acres inherited from his mother, even after retirement (1941) and until the communists confiscated his fortune and imprisoned him at Turnu Severin on March 2nd 1949. C.I. Parhon was the one who intervened and Rădulescu Motru was released.

The mansion exists today, with its turret and two auxiliary constructions. An inscription on a cross in the church indicates the former president of the Romanian Academy and director of the Bucharest National Theatre (1918): “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru is the genius of this land. It is our pride and that of the entire people”.

Constantin Rădulescu-Motru (born February 15th, 1868, Butoiești, Mehedinți county – deceased March 6th 1957, Bucharest), was a philosopher, psychologist, teacher, politician, playwright, director of the Romanian theatre, academic and president of the Romanian Academy between 1938 and 1941, prominent figure of the first half of 20th century Romania.

Constantin Rădulescu Motru was one of the greatest and among the first Romanian psychologists and his intellectual success was high in the inter-war period. Aside from this, he was a philosopher, teacher, politician, playwright, director of the Romanian theatre, academic and president of the Romanian Academy between 1938 and 1941.

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