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Regional History Museum, RuseCod 2359

Regional Museum of History in Russian cultural operates counties Russian territory, Razgrad and Silistra.
The museum was opened on 1 January 1904 as a museum collection of high school boys. “Knyaz Boris I”. The museum became national in 1949. In 1952 was declared a county museum and in July 2000 became regional. Museum fund account 130 000 copies of cultural values. It operates in relation to the preservation and display of cultural values phones, material and moral heritage cultural and natural history research in Northeast Bulgaria.
Now, the Regional History Museum – Ruse presents seven exhibitions, including three outdoor – Sexaginta Prista Roman fortress, Ivanovo rock churches and the medieval town of Cherven.

On the basis of the museum’s archaeological collections are Karel and Hermenegild Skorpil Vasil Kovachev and naturalist, who were gathered in the Russian High School boys, “Knyaz Boris”. Since 2007, the museum’s permanent exhibition is housed in the County Administration building, built in 1882-1892 by the architect. Friedrich Grünanger. The original concept was that the building be used as a Prince Alexander I Battenberg reception therefore today called Battenberg Palace.

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