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Roman Catholic Church, GiurgiuCod 1043

About 70 years ago, a group of Catholic workers from Belgium came to Giurgiu, to build a sugar factory. Giurgiu Catholic community was then numerically very small gathering on holidays only in a “Prayer House”  located in the courtyard of the current parishe.
The guests came here to work took the initiative to make do a project to raise a church next to the house. The Vhurch was designed in Romanesque style and consecrated in 1936 by S. E. Mons. Alexandru Cisar. Later repaired twice, it maintains an internal note of intimacy and is currently enough for 88 families with about 246 faithful.

Located in the same facility, the parish house is an old spacious school. It was  reinforced by 1988 and functionally adapted to the needs of the parish.
There is a Catholic cemetery in the town  on the 3 Sloboziei road,  which is inside a house, caretaker’s house, built by Harich family. The house is worn in 90% and should be restored in the shortest possible time.

The only subsidiary, belonging to the parish is 80 km away. It is about the Oltenita city community, with cu about 9 families and 29 believers. The Holy Mass is celebrated in the believers’ homes here every Sunday.

In the Parish Church two Masses on holidays and Sundays are celebrating. The patron of the church is Our Lady’s visit on 31 May.
There are no kindergartens or congregations for spiritual educational activities, but the community is driven by several volunteers to charitable, social activities and religious.
With the generous help of a nurse,  free medicines from Caritas Bucharest, are delivered to the community believers. There are 11 children in the parish records which enjoys outside help, according to th  “remote adoption” project with possibility of extending to other cases. A part of these believers went to Moldova no longer having a steady job in Giurgiu, but part of believers are replacing them through conversions.

Studying other documents, for eg, “Monografia oraşului Giurgiu” (“Giurgiu Monograph”) – written by the schoolmaster Ion Boldescu, in 1912, we learn that things are not exactly on the contrary.

Here is what he mentioned: ” The German colony and the Hungarian becoming increasingly more numerous, they had to ask the Catholic Episcopate in Bucharest, to establish a church for their worship in Giurgiu.. With the initiative of the most important Catholics in Giurgiu, was established in 1885, the Catholic Church in this city. The Church is small, but very well maintained: it has a single priest and the necessary staff for service. The  parishioners this holy church are made up of 110 Catholic Christian, of which: 46 German, 50 Hungarian, 6 Italians and 4 French.


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