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“Saint Peter and Paul” Church, NikopolCod 2276

Saint Peter and Paul Church is a “medieval church from Nikopol. The inhabitants name it the Small Monastery.
The church has been studied for the first time in 1871, by Felix Kanitz. Then, it no longer functioned and it has been localized in the courtyard of a house from Turkey. Kanitz heard about the tradition that, once upon a time it was the cathedral of the Catholics Nikopol (Catholics). He mentions the fact that two small towers of the bell over the narthex; one of them is visible and it has been painted in aquarelle. In the period when George Bals (1868 – 1934), in his own turn, investigated the church in 1914 and it had already collapsed. In 1927, the building was declared a historical monument, now it is a cultural monument of national importance.
The building has a small dimension: 10 x 7 meters. Its entrance is on the southern part of the narthex. The ship (the nave), the interior is cruciform, with an apses altar. The high dome is raised over the interior corners of the cross. Outside the wall there still are blind arches of masonry of decorative brick and white stone. Judging after the style of this decoration, the temple dates back to the XIVth century. This thing makes it to be one of the most important medieval Bulgarian conservation works.
In “The description of the north of Bulgaria” of 1659 of Stanisławów Filip, it is said that in his time in Nikopol there wasn’t any catholic church and the orthodox churches were four. He didn’t specify their names.

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