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“The Abandoned Church”, Kameno PoleCod 2767

Kameno Pole is a village from the north – west of Bulgaria. This is situated in Vratsa, the municipality Roman.
The village is situated exactly between Cherven Bryag and Mezdra.
Through the village there passes the beautiful river Fore after which on the path there is formed a very picturesque scenery of gaps and rock formations, declared natural components.
The history of Kameno Pole is interesting. According to some scientists, Kameno Pole is an old establishment of a couple of thousand of years. In the history museum from the city Vratsa there were kept old tools kept around the village. It is known as a commercial center.
Testimonies about the historical life are the numerous Thracian piles scattered around the area Kameno Pole.
The area continued its existence in the Middle Ages, in the citadel “Kale”. The remains of this citadel are at approximately 1, 5 – 2 km. north – west from the village, on a plateau from the left river of the water.
Near the castle, in the same direction, there is, without any doubt, the most interesting and the relatively well conserved (in terms of construction) component of the stone church from the old Middle Ages, known by the locals as the “empty church”.
In the illumination activity, the Civically center appeared relatively early, the first school was founded in 1835, and the following one in 1836 and it was consecrated the new church which is functional today.
The village is prestigious for his people – Gankino Kamenopolski and the objects deposited in the thesaurus of the Popular Art Museum.
“The Empty Church” is situated at the north – west from the village Probeda on the plains after the first farm courtyard, towards the right of the road towards the Darshan village.
The local legends associate the tsar Ivan Assen the IInd with the construction of the temple, and probably this thing has a certain truth in it, taking into consideration the proximity of the medieval citadel “kale”, which can be associated with the church.
The antique church impressed by its dimensions which surpass the ones of the other churches built in the same era which is why it is considered to be a monument. It is a basilica with a narthex and it has built a semi – cylindrical ceiling in the shape of a dome.
The ceiling is angled with stone flags.
Maybe that some time ago the entire interior of the church was painted with wall paintings, as it comes from the non-differential fragments of the eastern wall of the narthex, and if the canon was localized, it contains the composition of the “Last Judgment”.
At the church from here we observed the oldest painting which is from 1843. Today the medieval church in the proximity of Kameno Pole is under a very bad state, and the rumors about the buried fortune of this place was under the attention of the robbers which vandalized and contributed to the destruction of the valuable monument, surrounded by sceneries and amazing tourist objectives.

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