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The Bishop’s Bridge, Veliko TarnovoCod 2502

The Bishop’s Bridge was built in the seventeenth century, in Veliko Tirnovo. The bridge has stone foundations and a structure with timber see at the top. Its name came from the fact that it is close to theTirnovo Diocese. The Bishop’s Bridge was the only one from Asen neighbothood and on it was crossing the Arbanasi road. Today, the bridge is used only by pietoni, by pedestrians and near it was built a stone bridge for cars. The bridge is one of hte touristic attrcation of the city because it offers amazing views of the surrounding area. That is why the cross is thrown in the Yantra River in Epiphany time.

The medieval capital, except for the two forts in the hills Tsarevets and Trapezitsa, are stretched on the edges of the river Yantra. In this part of town were some of the most impressive churches and monasteries of the Bulgarian Middle Ages: “St. 40 Martyrs” and “Great Lavra,” “Assumption of St. Mary,” “St. Dimitar”, “St. George”, “St. Paraskeva”. On the hillsides were residential buildings inhabited by large metropolitan population. The relationship between neighborhoods, situated on both sides of the river was going through a bridge which later has been called the Bishop’s Bridge. The bridge was built with massive stone foundations and has a wooden structure. On both sides sides there were strong battle towers, which served to protect communication. In the There were special rooms in the basements of the towers where the Customs worked in that times. It exerts control over payment of customs duties for goods which many traders Bulgarians and foreigners were introducing in the capital. Nearby the bridge was located the Shishman Bath. This is is the only device hygienically preserved from the era of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom, which has survived to the present.

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