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Kapinovo Waterfall, VelchevoCod 2535

Kapinovo waterfall is a small waterfall 6-7 meters. The height of the falls is relatively small but is deep pool under the waterfall, 20 meters wide and is the perfect place for sunbathing. Waterfall is reached from Veliko Tarnovo going to Plakovo. However, before Plakovo must go east to the village Velchevo. From there, follow the signs to the Monastery and the Monastery of Kapinovo Plakovo.

As benchmarks for “Waterfall Kapinovo” Velchevo village and monastery are Kapinovo. Kapinovo waterfall is a waterfall on the River Veselina. River rocks dug in Elena Balkan Mountains, flowing green slopes tight corners, forming countless waterfalls. It’s a cascade of pretty small, but beautiful, under which formed a pool. The place is one of the favorite places for recreation and relaxation.

There is a pool complex and a restaurant, and nearby is Kapinovo monastery “St. Nikola” dam “Yovkovtsi”. Every year, traditionally organized a national fair with games and stalls, attracting both Bulgarian and foreign motorcycle enthusiasts.

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