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Kapinovo Monastery of Sf. Nikolay, KapinovoCod 2539

In 1856 the old monastery buildings are demolished and instead the two brothers from Elena, were raised large residential buildings with 2 massive floors. The outer wall eight meters high and 1.5 meters thick, is built of stone and gives the monastery an impressive air. Seen from the north, it seems a medieval fortress. Since its renovation in 1856, above the gate of the entrance are portrayed two Slavic apostles Cyril and Methodius. In the chapel built in 1864, a completely unknown artist decorates the inner walls entirely with mural paintings. Here, among evangelical scenes, the artist painted portraits of prominent Bulgarian figures spiritual and literary – Evtimii, Ivan Rilski, Hilarion Muglensky Teodosie. Of interest are the portraits of the two brothers sponsors Horozov. Early in the Bulgarian Renaissance, the monastery became an educational center. In 1794 Stoyko Vladislavov became the abbot of the monastery – the future Episcop Sofronie Vratchanski, who bring a copy of lui Paisii’s history book “The Slavo-Bulgarian History”.

Near the monastery there is a deep basin of the river, which is a favorite place for swimming and camping in the hot summer days.

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