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”Little Lako” Fountain, ArbanasiCod 2512

The ”Little Lako” Fountain is located about 500 m south from the Arbanasi center of the village and about 1.6 km north from Ksilifor area, above the city of Veliko Tarnovo. The easiest way to reach the fountain is a a route marked down from the west end of the Arbanasi village – about 500 m.

The massive fountain was spared by time (and looters) and strangers could still enjoy the delicious cold water.

Here is built a table with benches for rest. A second spring, which forms a beautiful waterfall with a height of 4 meters arrives directly from the cliffs to the fountain.

At about 400 meters to the east, into the ditch nearby, lies the Fountain “Little Lako” and the rumors say that the water from this fountain was the Todor Zhivkov ‘s favorite. About one hundred meters upstream the “Little Lako” Fountain, the cave “Monk’s Hole” could be reached.

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