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The Rayko Daskalov House-Museum, White ChurchCod 2552

The “Rayko Daskalov” Museum is a beautiful two-story building in the center of White Church town, declared in 1970 a Cultural Monument. It was built in 1922, in the backyard of the Rayko Daskalov House.

From October 1984 at the second floor lies an exhibition about the life and work of Dr. Rayko Daskalov – political and public figure, one of the Bulgarian leaders within the Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union. Four halls presents original objects, photographs and documents relating to different periods of Tribune’s agricultural life – from childhood and student years in Berlin, to its participation in Stamboliyski’s government as head of several ministries. A special place is reserved for soldiers of the uprising and Rayko Daskalov as commander of the armed forces of Radomir Republic.

His furniture in the working cabinet and his books in German and French languages were donated to his daughter; photos, documents and reports in n the European press recall the tragic days after the the coup of June 9, 1923 and the brutal murder of Rayko Daskalov in Prague.

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